首頁 > 狗狗 > 狗糧 > Natures Protection > Nature's Protection 狗糧 小型幼犬配方 雞+魚 Mini Junior 7.5kg (MJ067.5K)
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Nature's Protection 狗糧 小型幼犬配方 雞+魚 Mini Junior 7.5kg (MJ067.5K)

價格: $333$392
訂購數量: 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 減少 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 增加
規格: 2kg 7.5kg


Nature's Protection 狗糧 小型幼犬配方 雞+魚 Mini Junior 7.5kg (MJ067.5K)

- 供均衡營養、營養成份容易吸收及消化、有利排泄

-  含有 MircoZeoGen 有助調節腸道健康及增強自身免疫力

-  含 DHA 有助腦部及視力發展

- 含牛黃酸,EPA及DHA,增強心臟健康

- 含葡萄糖胺和軟骨素是保護關節的屏障



雞肉,魚肉,大米,家禽脂肪,玉米,玉米谷蛋白,紅菜頭,豌豆粉,亞麻子,風乾雞蛋,絲蘭提取物,迷迭香提取物,天然火山礦物(MicroZeoGen 1%),磷酸一鈣,菊苣提取物,葡糖胺,硫酸軟骨素,維生素A,維生素D3,維生素,鐵,碘,銅,錳,鋅,硒,牛磺酸,天然來源的維生素E。

Nature's Protection 的貓糧狗糧配方皆由獸醫和營養專家製作,提供均衡的營養配方,包含左旋肉鹼,有助燃燒脂肪、控制體重及強化肌肉。Nature's Protection 在其出產的貓糧狗糧中更添加名爲 MicroZenGen 的天然礦物質成分,有效去除寵物體內的毒素、重金屬、氨;提高營養的吸收和加強寵物免疫系統。Nature's Protection 品牌最為知名及暢銷的系列為針對貓狗淚痕問題而出品的 Superior Care 系列的貓糧狗糧,可改善貓狗眼部健康及長期淚痕問題。

- 100% complete and balanced nutrition adapted to the specific requirements from pup to adult.

- MZG together with other nutritional additives support the natural defense systems of the body during this delicate growth process.

- The product is naturally tasty to assure good intake.

- Through it’s high digestibility all nutrients contained in the food are released to the pups benefit and result in small, firm stools.

- With the appropriate selection of Essential Fatty Acids, known to stimulate the learning ability of your pup.



poultry meal, rice, poultry fat, maize gluten, maize, barley, hydrolyzed liver, fish meal, sunflower oil, sugar beet pulp, dynamic micronized clinoptilolite (1%), brewery yeast, linseed, carrot dried, dried eggs, yucca extract.

PetChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 狗糧 Royal Canin CIAO Wellness 正版正貨 HK Pet Shop